.These three aren’t like regular mums, they’re cool mums
When it comes to dispensing beauty advice, our mums really do have the ace lowdown. So, we decided to share their timeless pearls of wisdom because we know if these beauty tips and tricks have been labelled ‘essential’ by our multi-tasking mamas, then they must be really,really good.
In the lead up to Thanks for Tolerating Us Day aka Mother’s Day, we’ve shared the beauty/life/parenting secrets of three of our favourite people on the planet. It’s our way of saying, “you’re a mum in a million.”
What’s the best motherhood advice you’ve ever received/given?
Probably to take time for yourself to recharge. So that you can always bring your best self to your family.
In the earlier years, the only time i took out for myself was to have a shower.
Now my kids are older, things have come a long way since then, i even find myself trying to create moments to be with my kids more as they become more and more independent! But overall, balance is key.
How does skincare fit into the daily juggling routine of being a mum?
My morning skincare routine is always in the shower to help with time, I always rely on a cleanser and exfoliant.
I also put my night creams on, when I jump into bed of a night time.
What would you love to receive this Mother’s Day?
Ideally, my present would to be to spend Mother’s Day with my mum, who is undergoing chemo so is in complete isolation. So it would be amazing to be able to spend the day with her.
What beauty advice have you passed on to your daughter?
DRINK WATER! Cleansing & Moisturiser/Hydration is super important & ALWAYS take your makeup off before bed.
Has your perspective on beauty changed since you became a mum?
Not really as I’ve always thought looking after my skin is important. But my time is more limited, so what I look for with my skincare is that it's quick, but effective and gives me instant results.
What’s your favourite way to give your skin some TLC?
Would have to be a good face mask. I love to have a pamper at home and do it myself, but also want to see results like from a beauty salon.
What do you love most about being a mum?
So MUCH! The love from them, the cuddles from them, the laughs with them, watching them grow up. Also the support from them when you are stressed.. they make everything worth it, and they are my motivation everyday...they turn you into a better/caring person towards everyone around you!
How did your beauty routine change after becoming a mother?
I can't do 9 step beauty routine anymore, so i look for something that is quick, easy & effective. I usually stick to masking at the end of the day (when my kids are in bed), watching a movie with a mask on is the best.
What’s your best advice for new mums?
I remember when I first had Jamie, the first week we got home from hospital, I was sitting there crying in the middle of night, i felt there were so many responsibilities all of a sudden & had this little person depending on me.
It's actually very overwhelming, I also think because your hormones are all over the place after giving birth... You need to talk to different people, find as much support as you need, for both your mental & physical health. I called my cousin in Canada and spoke to her for 2 hours. She said it's ok to feel this way and it's normal to feel this amount of stress but it's all worth it when that little person starts smiling at you, calling you " Mama" when they start taking their first steps etc.... I guess look a bit further, it's not always this tough, taking care of new born is not easy but they will grow up and things will get better!