October 28, 2021

We all need a reminder from time to time that we’re important, valued, and worthy. Even when we have the best intentions to live life to the max (or just get through the day), our mental health can get in the way. We’re certainly not mental health experts, but we know that opening up about how we’re feeling is a great step. So if you’ve been feeling a bit blue, consider this our love note to you.

 You deserve understanding

 The term ‘mental health’ is pretty broad. Generally, it refers to your state of wellbeing, and how your mindset allows you to navigate life’s ups and downs.

 It’s not necessarily about having ‘good’ or ‘bad’ mental health; it also doesn’t refer to the absence or existence of a condition like depression or anxiety. It’s more of a catch-all word to describe your cognitive, emotional, and social wellbeing.

 There are many factors that can affect your mental health – stress, disappointment, isolation, grief, and other tough emotions can impact your wellbeing. Your health, lifestyle, and genetics can also affect the way you experience and process life. It’s normal to experience highs and lows, however, if things become overwhelming or difficult to deal with, it might be time to talk to someone.

 You deserve support

 If you find yourself experiencing mental health troubles, opening up to a person you trust is a small but mighty step. It might feel awkward or challenging. It could feel relieving and comforting. It may feel like nothing at all. It’s all valid.

 Talking to a family member or friend about what you’re experiencing also allows them to support you. They might not have all the answers or right words, but it can help you take some of the weight off your shoulders.

 Your feelings are important, and not something you need to be embarrassed or ashamed of. Verbalising how you’re feeling might also help you better understand your emotions.

 You deserve to feel good

 Your skin often reflects lifestyle factors, such as how well you’re eating and if you’re getting enough sleep. Interestingly, your skin can indicate when your body is under stress. Studies have found an association between corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) – a stress hormone – and an increase in acne. How cruel! Who wants to deal with breakouts when they’re stressed? 

 Now, it wouldn’t be an Aceology blog if we didn’t mention how good self-care makes us feel! Sure, it probably won’t immediately solve all of your problems, but the simple act of pampering yourself can help you feel a bit more like ‘you’. It also gives you a chance to take some time out and feel present in your body.

 Other great ways we like to support our mental health include:

  • Spending time with the people (and pets) we love
  • Getting an endorphin boost from exercise (bonus points for going outside and replenishing vitamin D levels)
  • Looking inward with mindfulness activities like meditating
  • Consistently getting enough sleep to keep our minds fresh

 Looking after your mental health is a very personal thing, so doing things that brighten your mood is something worth prioritizing.


 If you or someone you know needs support, you can call:

 Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36

Lifeline on 13 11 14

Headspace on 1800 650 890

Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467